alab_management.sample_view.sample module#

The definition of the Sample and SamplePosition classes.

class Sample(sample_id, task_id, name, position, metadata=<factory>, tags=<factory>)[source]#

Bases: object

Basic sample object.

  • sample_id: the unique id of a sample in the database

  • task_id: the unique id of a task that currently “owns” (is processing) this sample

  • name: the name of this sample

  • position: current position of the sample in the lab. if None, the sample has not been initialized in the lab

metadata: dict[str, Any]#
name: str#
position: str | None#
sample_id: ObjectId#
tags: list[str]#
task_id: ObjectId | None#
class SamplePosition(name, number=1, description='')[source]#

Bases: object

A sample position in the lab.

Sample position is a position in the lab that can hold sample, it is not a geographic coordinate in the lab, but a defined position in the lab

  • name: the name of this sample position, which is the unique identifier of a sample position

  • description: a string that describes the sample position briefly

SEPARATOR: ClassVar[str] = '/'#
description: str = ''#
name: str#
number: int = 1#

Register a device instance.


Get all the device names in the device registry.

Return type:

dict[str, SamplePosition]