Source code for alab_management.sample_view.sample

"""The definition of the Sample and SamplePosition classes."""

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, ClassVar

from bson import ObjectId  # type: ignore

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Sample: """ Basic sample object. - ``sample_id``: the unique id of a sample in the database - ``task_id``: the unique id of a task that currently "owns" (is processing) this sample - ``name``: the name of this sample - ``position``: current position of the sample in the lab. if None, the sample has not been initialized in the lab """ sample_id: ObjectId task_id: ObjectId | None name: str position: str | None metadata: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) tags: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SamplePosition: """ A sample position in the lab. Sample position is a position in the lab that can hold sample, it is not a geographic coordinate in the lab, but a defined position in the lab - ``name``: the name of this sample position, which is the unique identifier of a sample position - ``description``: a string that describes the sample position briefly """ SEPARATOR: ClassVar[str] = "/" name: str number: int = field(default=1) description: str = field(default="", compare=False, hash=False) def __post_init__(self): """Check if the number of sample position is valid.""" if self.number < 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.number} is an invalid number of sample positions! The number of sample position ({}) " f"must be >= 0." )
_standalone_sample_position_registry: dict[str, SamplePosition] = {}
[docs] def add_standalone_sample_position(position: SamplePosition): """Register a device instance.""" if not isinstance(position, SamplePosition): raise TypeError( f"The type of position should be SamplePosition, but user provided {type(position)}" ) if in _standalone_sample_position_registry: raise KeyError(f"Duplicated standalone sample position name {}") _standalone_sample_position_registry[] = position
[docs] def get_all_standalone_sample_positions() -> dict[str, SamplePosition]: """Get all the device names in the device registry.""" return _standalone_sample_position_registry.copy()