Defining devices and sample positions#

The device refers to one piece of equipment in the lab, such as a box furnace, a robot arm, and etc. In alabos, the device object is usually a wrapper around the real device that provide serveral methods to interact with the device.

In each device object, there can be multiple sample positions associated with the device. The sample positions are the positions where the samples are placed. For example, in a box furnace, there are multiple sample positions where the samples can be placed and heated. In alabos, the position of each sample is recorded in the sample position which currently holds the sample. If one sample occupies a sample position, the sample position cannot be used by other samples until the sample is moved.

The sample positions can also be standalone, which means that the sample positions are not associated with any device.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to define a new device and sample positions in alabos.

To define a device, you should inherit from BaseDevice. BaseDevice provides a basic interface for a device, with a few abstract methods that should be implemented in the derived class.

Other than the required abstract methods, you can also define additional methods that are specific to the device. For example, you can define a .do_powder_dosing function for a powder dosing station, or a .move_to function for a robot arm. The defined methods will be accessible to the task that uses the device.

We will take the box furnace as an example to show how to define a new device.


If you are interested in how the communication can be implemented, you can check alab_control where all the communication with the device is implemented for A-Lab.

Implementing BoxFurnace#

First of all, we need to create a new class BoxFurnace that inherits from BaseDevice.

from alab_management import BaseDevice

class BoxFurnace(BaseDevice):

Implementing all abstract methods#

BaseDevice requires some of the basic metadata to be defined in the derived class. These include sample_positions, connect, disconnect, is_running.

First we need to import some dependencies:

import time
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import ClassVar

from alab_control.door_controller import DoorController
from alab_control.furnace_2416 import FurnaceController, Segment
from alab_control.furnace_2416.furnace_driver import (
from alab_management import BaseDevice
from alab_management import SamplePosition

The description of the device should be defined as a class variable. This description can provide some useful information about the deivce.

class BoxFurnace(BaseDevice):
    description: ClassVar[str] = (
        "The box furnace is a device that can heat samples up to 1200 degrees Celsius. "
        "It is used for heat treatment of samples. In current setting, one box furnace "
        "can hold up to 8 samples. Due to the limitation of the power supply, the "
        "max ramping rate is 10 degrees Celsius per minute."

The __init__ method should be implemented to store the information about the device. For example, if the device is communicated through a serial port, you can store the serial port information here.

def __init__(self, com_port_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
    You can customize this method to store more information about the device. For example,
    if the device is communicated through a serial port, you can store the serial port information here.

        com_port_id: The ID of the COM port that the device is connected to.
    self.com_port_id = com_port_id
    self.door_controller = DoorController(
        names=[], ip_address=""
    self.driver = None
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

The sample_positions property should be implemented to return the sample positions of the device. The sample positions are the positions inside the device where the samples are placed. It is used to track the samples in the system. When setting up the system, all the sample positions will be created and stored in the database.

def sample_positions(self) -> list[SamplePosition]:
    Return the sample positions of the BoxFurnace.

    Sample positions are the positions inside the device where the samples are placed.
    It is used to track the samples in the system. When setting up the system,
    all the sample positions will be created and stored in the database.
    return [
            description="The position inside the box furnace, where the samples are heated",

The connect, disconnect, and is_running methods should be implemented to connect to the device, disconnect from the device, and check if the device is running, respectively.

def get_driver(self):
    """Return the driver of the device. It is a helper method to get the driver of the device."""
    return FurnaceController(port=self.com_port_id)

def connect(self):
    """Connect to the BoxFurnace."""
    self.driver = self.get_driver()

def disconnect(self):
    """Disconnect from the BoxFurnace."""
    if self.driver is not None:
    self.driver = None

def is_running(self):
    """Check if the device is running."""
    return self.driver.is_running()

Defining the device interface#

Apart from the required methods, you will need to define some additional methods that are specific to the device. For example, for this type of the furnace, you will need a run_program method that will start the heating process. Also, there is a get_temperature method that will return the current temperature of the furnace.

class BoxFurnace(BaseDevice):
    def run_program(
        profiles: list[list[float]],
        Run a heating program on the BoxFurnace.

            profiles: A list of profiles. Each profile is a list of three elements:
                - The target temperature in Celsius.
                - The ramping rate in Celsius per minute.
                - The duration in minutes
        segments = []
        for profile in profiles:
            segments = segments + [
                    # the upper limit of heating is 900 minutes
                        minutes=900 if i < (profile[2] // 900) else profile[2] % 900
                for i in range((profile[2] + 899) // 900)

        segments = [
            Segment(segment_type=SegmentType.END, endt=ProgramEndType.RESET),
            "Running a program with profiles:\n"
            + "\n".join(
                    f"Setpoint: {profile[0]} C, "
                    f"Ramp rate: {profile[1]} C/min, "
                    f"Dwelling duration: {profile[2]} min"
                    for profile in profiles
        while True:
            except FurnaceError:  # if there is an error, prompt the user to retry
                response = self.request_maintenance(
                    prompt="There is an error running the program. Do you want to retry?",
                    options=["Yes", "No"],
                if response == "No":
                    raise  # if the user chooses not to retry, raise the error

    def get_temperature(self):
        """Get the current temperature of the BoxFurnace."""
        return self.driver.get_temperature()

Setting up the message#

In the run_program method, we set a message using self.set_message(). The message will be displayed in the UI. This message will be used to inform the user about the current state of the device. For example, when the device is heating, the message can be

Running a program with profiles: 
Setpoint: 1000 C, Ramp rate: 5 C/min, Dwelling duration: 60 min

Error handling#

Sometimes there can be an error when using the device. To handle the error, we can use the request_maintenance method to prompt the user to check the device and retry the operation. If the user chooses not to retry, the error will be raised.


BaseDevice.request_maintenance is part of the user notification system in alabos. The user notification system is used as a way for human-in-the-loop to interact with the system. At the moment when the system needs human intervention, it will create a notification with a message and options for the user to choose. The system will react based on the user’s choice.

In the run_program method, if there is an error when starting the program in the furnace, the user will be prompted to check the device and retry the operation. If the user chooses not to retry, the error will be raised and the task that uses the device will be stopped.

Mocking the device#

When the code is made, it will be necessary to test it without connecting to the real device so that we can detect any bugs in the workflow. For this purpose, alabos provides a @mock decorator to mock the device.

The @mock decorator can skip the method call and return a predefined value. For example, if you want to mock the get_temperature method, you can use the following code:

from alab_management import mock

class BoxFurnace(BaseDevice):
    def get_temperature(self):
        return self.driver.get_temperature()

If it is in the simulation mode, the get_temperature method will return 30 without calling the real method to read the furnace sensor.

What’s more, you can also use the @mock decorator to return a mocked object. For example, if you want to mock the FurnaceController object in the get_driver method, you can use the following code:

from alab_management import mock

class BoxFurnace(BaseDevice):
    def get_driver(self):
        return FurnaceController(port=self.com_port_id)

If the system is in the simulation mode, the get_driver method will return a mocked FurnaceController object. You can still call the methods of the FurnaceController object, but the real methods will not be called.


For more information about the @mock decorator, you can check its docstring at @mock.

Registering the device#

After defining the device, you will also need to register the device in the system. To do so, you can use the add_device method in the file at the root of the folder.

add_device takes a device object as an argument and registers the device in the system. You will need to pass a unique device name as well as other arguments that are required by the device when creating the device object.

You can create multiple devices in the file. For example, if you have four box furnaces, you can create four box furnaces in the file as follows:

from alab_management import add_device

from .devices.box_furnace import BoxFurnace

add_device(BoxFurnace(name="box_1", com_port_id="COM3"))
add_device(BoxFurnace(name="box_2", com_port_id="COM4"))
add_device(BoxFurnace(name="box_3", com_port_id="COM5"))
add_device(BoxFurnace(name="box_4", com_port_id="COM6"))

Registering standalone sample positions#

Sometimes, the sample positions may not be associated with any device. For example, you may have serveral sample positions that are served as a buffer area for the crucibles. In this case, you can register the standalone sample positions in the file as well:

from alab_management import add_standalone_sample_position, SamplePosition

        description="The buffer area for the crucibles",

What’s next#

After defining the device, you can use the device in the task. In the next tutorial, we will show you how to create a task that will request the device and sample positions to perform the experiment.