
Development Environment Setup#

To set up the development environment, we need to first clone the repository and install the required dependencies.

git clone
cd alab_management
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

Also, you need to install MongoDB and RabbitMQ for communication purposes, please refer to the installation page for more information.

Apart from these Python dependencies, we also use pyright for type checking. You may install it via npm or yarn

npm install -g pyright
# or
yarn global add pyright

CI System#

Currently, we use Github Actions for code unit testing and format checking. Before pushing, you may want to run the following commands to make sure that the code is formatted correctly.

cd alab_management

pylint alab_management
flake8 alab_management

Git commit rules#

We highly recommend you to follow the semantic commit message rule here:, so that we can track the changes in the code easily.