Source code for alab_management.task_view.task_enums

from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto

[docs] class TaskPriority(IntEnum): """ The priority of a task. larger integer = higher priority. Values >= 100 are reserved for urgent/error correcting resource requests. """ SYSTEM = 900 URGENT = 100 HIGH = 30 NORMAL = 20 LOW = 10
[docs] class TaskStatus(Enum): """ The status of one task. - ``WAITING``: the task cannot start yet, waiting for preceding tasks to finish - ``READY``: the task is ready to submit - ``INITIATED``: the task has been sent to task actor, but not yet running - ``REQUESTING_RESOURCES``: the task is requesting resources - ``RUNNING``: the task is currently running - ``FINISHING``: the task is finishing up, but not yet completed/errored/cancelled - ``ERROR``: the task encountered some errors during execution - ``COMPLETED``: the task is completed - ``CANCELLED``: the task has been cancelled and stopped. """ WAITING = auto() READY = auto() INITIATED = auto() REQUESTING_RESOURCES = auto() RUNNING = auto() FINISHING = auto() ERROR = auto() COMPLETED = auto() CANCELLED = auto()
[docs] class CancelingProgress(Enum): """ The status for a request that is being canceled. It is kept in the ``canceling`` field of the request. PENDING: The canceling process has been initiated. WORKER_NOTIFIED: The worker has been notified to cancel the request, which means an abort error has been raised in the worker. """ PENDING = auto() WORKER_NOTIFIED = auto()