Source code for alab_management.task_view.completed_task_view

This module contains the CompletedTaskView class, which is used to interact with the
completed task database.

from bson import ObjectId

from alab_management.utils.data_objects import get_collection, get_completed_collection

[docs] class CompletedTaskView: """This class is used to interact with the completed task database.""" def __init__(self): self._working_task_collection = get_collection("tasks") self._completed_task_collection = get_completed_collection("tasks")
[docs] def save_task(self, task_id: ObjectId): """ Saves a task dictionary to the completed database. This should be copying a task from the working database to the completed database. """ # if self.exists(task_id): # raise ValueError( # f"Sample with id {task_id} already exists in the completed database!" # ) task_dict = self._working_task_collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(task_id)}) if task_dict is None: raise ValueError( f"Sample with id {task_id} does not exist in the database!" ) if self.exists(task_id): self._completed_task_collection.update_one( filter={"_id": ObjectId(task_id)}, update={"$set": task_dict}, upsert=True, ) else: self._completed_task_collection.insert_one(task_dict)
[docs] def exists(self, task_id: ObjectId | str) -> bool: """ Check if a task exists in the database. Args: task_id (Union[ObjectId, str]): id of the task within task collection. If a string is passed, it will be converted to ObjectId Returns ------- True if task exists in the database """ return ( self._completed_task_collection.count_documents({"_id": ObjectId(task_id)}) > 0 )
[docs] def get_task(self, task_id: ObjectId): """Get a task from the database.""" task_dict = self._completed_task_collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(task_id)}) if task_dict is None: raise ValueError( f"Task with id {task_id} does not exist in the completed task database!" ) return task_dict