"""A wrapper over the ``samples`` and ``sample_positions`` collections."""
import re
import time
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Any, cast
import pymongo # type: ignore
from bson import ObjectId # type: ignore
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, conint
from alab_management.utils.data_objects import get_collection, get_lock
from .sample import Sample, SamplePosition
class SamplePositionRequest(BaseModel):
The class is used to request sample position.
You need to specify the prefix of the sample position (will be used to match by `startwith` method) and
the number you request. By default, the number is set to be 1.
# raise error when extra kwargs are passed
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
prefix: str
number: conint(ge=0) = 1 # type: ignore
def from_str(cls, sample_position_prefix: str) -> "SamplePositionRequest":
"""Create a ``SamplePositionRequest`` from a string."""
return cls(prefix=sample_position_prefix)
def from_py_type(cls, sample_position: str | dict[str, Any]):
"""Create a ``SamplePositionRequest`` from a string or a dict."""
if isinstance(sample_position, str):
return cls.from_str(sample_position_prefix=sample_position)
return cls(**sample_position)
class SamplePositionStatus(Enum):
The status of a sample position.
- ``EMPTY``: the sample position is neither locked nor occupied
- ``OCCUPIED``: there is a sample in the sample position
- ``LOCKED``: the sample position is reserved by a task
EMPTY = auto()
OCCUPIED = auto()
LOCKED = auto()
class SampleView:
"""Sample view manages the samples and their positions."""
def __init__(self):
self._sample_collection = get_collection("samples")
self._sample_positions_collection = get_collection("sample_positions")
self._lock = get_lock(self._sample_positions_collection.name)
def add_sample_positions_to_db(
sample_positions: list[SamplePosition],
parent_device_name: str | None = None,
Insert sample positions info to db, which includes position name and description.
If one sample position's name has already appeared in the database,
we will just skip it.
sample_positions: some sample position instances
parent_device_name: name of the parent device to these sample_positions.
for sample_pos in sample_positions:
for i in range(sample_pos.number):
# we use <name><SEPARATOR><number> format to create multiple sample positions
# if there is only one sample position (sample_position.number == 1)
# the name of sample position will be directly used as the sample position's name in the database
name = (
f"{sample_pos.name}{SamplePosition.SEPARATOR}{i+1}" # index from 1
if sample_pos.number != 1
else sample_pos.name
if parent_device_name:
name = f"{parent_device_name}{SamplePosition.SEPARATOR}{name}"
if re.search(r"[$.]", name) is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported sample position name: {name}. "
f"Sample position name should not contain '.' or '$'"
sample_pos_ = self._sample_positions_collection.find_one({"name": name})
if sample_pos_ is None:
new_entry = {
"name": name,
"description": sample_pos.description,
"task_id": None,
"last_updated": datetime.now(),
if parent_device_name:
new_entry["parent_device"] = parent_device_name
def clean_up_sample_position_collection(self):
"""Drop the sample position collection."""
def request_sample_positions(
task_id: ObjectId,
sample_positions: list[SamplePositionRequest | str | dict[str, Any]],
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]] | None:
Request a list of sample positions, this function will return until all the sample positions are available.
task_id: the task id that requests these resources
sample_positions: the list of sample positions, which is requested by their names.
The sample position name is actually the prefix of a sample position, which we
will try to match all the sample positions will the name
sample_positions_request: list[SamplePositionRequest] = [
if not isinstance(sample_position, SamplePositionRequest)
else sample_position
for sample_position in sample_positions
if len(sample_positions_request) != len(
{sample_position.prefix for sample_position in sample_positions_request}
raise ValueError("Duplicated sample_positions in one request.")
# check if there are enough positions
for sample_position in sample_positions_request:
count = self._sample_positions_collection.count_documents(
{"name": {"$regex": f"^{re.escape(sample_position.prefix)}"}}
if count < sample_position.number:
raise ValueError(
f"Position prefix `{sample_position.prefix}` can only "
f"have {count} matches, but requests {sample_position.number}"
with self._lock(): # pylint: disable=not-callable
available_positions: dict[str, list[dict[str, str | bool]]] = {}
for sample_position in sample_positions_request:
result = self.get_available_sample_position(
task_id, position_prefix=sample_position.prefix
if not result or len(result) < sample_position.number:
return None
# we try to choose the position that has already been locked by this task
available_positions[sample_position.prefix] = sorted(
result, key=lambda task: int(task["need_release"])
)[: sample_position.number]
return available_positions
def get_sample_position(self, position: str) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
Get the sample position entry in the database.
if the position is not a valid position (not defined in the database), return None
return self._sample_positions_collection.find_one({"name": position})
def get_sample_position_status(
self, position: str
) -> tuple[SamplePositionStatus, ObjectId | None]:
Get the status of a sample position.
If there is a sample in the position, return OCCUPIED;
else if the sample position is locked by a task, return LOCKED;
return EMPTY
position: the name of the sample position
if the position is occupied by a sample, return OCCUPIED and the task id of the sample
if the position is locked by a task, return LOCKED and the task id
else, return EMPTY and None
sample_position = self.get_sample_position(position=position)
if sample_position is None:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sample position: {position}")
sample = self._sample_collection.find_one({"position": position})
if sample is not None:
return SamplePositionStatus.OCCUPIED, sample["task_id"]
if sample_position["task_id"] is not None:
return SamplePositionStatus.LOCKED, sample_position["task_id"]
return SamplePositionStatus.EMPTY, None
def get_sample_position_parent_device(self, position: str) -> str | None:
Get the parent device of a sample position.
If no parent device is defined, returns None. If the
"position" query is a prefix, will look for a single parent device across all matched positions (ie a query
for position="furnace_1/tray" will properly return "furnace_1" even if "furnace_1/tray/1" and
"furnace_1/tray/2" are in the database _as long as "furnace_1" is the parent device of both!_).
sample_positions = self._sample_positions_collection.find(
{"name": {"$regex": f"^{position}"}}
parent_devices = list({sp.get("parent_device") for sp in sample_positions})
if len(parent_devices) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No sample position(s) beginning with: {position}")
elif len(parent_devices) > 1:
raise Exception(
f"Multiple parent devices ({parent_devices}) found for sample positions found beginning with: "
f'"position". Make a more specific position query that doesn\'t match multiple devices!'
return parent_devices[0]
def is_unoccupied_position(self, position: str) -> bool:
"""Tell if a sample position is unoccupied or not."""
return (
is not SamplePositionStatus.OCCUPIED
def is_locked_position(self, position: str) -> bool:
"""Tell if a sample position is locked or not."""
sample_position = self.get_sample_position(position=position)
if sample_position is None:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sample position: {position}")
return sample_position["task_id"] is not None
def get_available_sample_position(
self, task_id: ObjectId, position_prefix: str
) -> list[dict[str, str | bool]]:
Check if the position is occupied.
The structure of returned list is ``{"name": str, "need_release": bool}``.
The entry need_release indicates whether a sample position needs to be released
when __exit__ method is called in the ``SamplePositionsLock``.
if (
{"name": {"$regex": f"^{re.escape(position_prefix)}"}}
is None
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find device with prefix: {position_prefix}")
available_sample_positions = self._sample_positions_collection.find(
"name": {"$regex": f"^{re.escape(position_prefix)}"},
"$or": [
"task_id": None,
"task_id": task_id,
available_sp_names = []
for sample_position in available_sample_positions:
status, current_task_id = self.get_sample_position_status(
if status is SamplePositionStatus.EMPTY or task_id == current_task_id:
"name": sample_position["name"],
"need_release": self.get_sample_position(sample_position["name"])["task_id"] != task_id, # type: ignore
return available_sp_names
def lock_sample_position(self, task_id: ObjectId, position: str):
"""Lock a sample position."""
sample_status, current_task_id = self.get_sample_position_status(position)
if current_task_id != task_id:
if sample_status is SamplePositionStatus.OCCUPIED:
raise ValueError(f"Position ({position}) is currently occupied")
if sample_status is SamplePositionStatus.LOCKED:
raise ValueError(
f"Position is currently locked by task: {current_task_id}"
{"name": position},
"$set": {
"task_id": task_id,
# Wait until the position is locked successfully
while not self.is_locked_position(position):
def release_sample_position(self, position: str):
"""Unlock a sample position."""
if self.get_sample_position(position) is None:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sample position: {position}")
{"name": position},
"$set": {
"task_id": None,
# Wait until the position is released successfully
while self.is_locked_position(position):
def get_sample_positions_by_task(self, task_id: ObjectId | None) -> list[str]:
"""Get the list of sample positions that is locked by a task (given task id)."""
return [
for sample_position in self._sample_positions_collection.find(
{"task_id": task_id}
# operations related to samples #
def create_sample(
name: str,
position: str | None = None,
sample_id: ObjectId | None = None,
tags: list[str] | None = None,
metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> ObjectId:
Create a sample and return its uid in the database.
Samples with the same name can exist in the database
if position is not None and not self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
# Wait a bit to see if it is actually locked
for _ in range(5):
if self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
if not self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
raise ValueError(f"Requested position ({position}) is not EMPTY.")
if re.search(r"[.$]", name) is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported sample name: {name}. "
f"Sample name should not contain '.' or '$'"
entry = {
"name": name,
"tags": tags or [],
"metadata": metadata or {},
"position": position,
"task_id": None,
"created_at": datetime.now(),
"last_updated": datetime.now(),
if sample_id:
if not isinstance(sample_id, ObjectId):
raise ValueError(
f"User provided {sample_id} as the sample_id -- this is not a valid ObjectId, so this sample "
f"cannot be created in the database!"
entry["_id"] = sample_id
result = self._sample_collection.insert_one(entry)
# Wait until the sample is created
while not self.exists(result.inserted_id):
return cast(ObjectId, result.inserted_id)
def get_sample(self, sample_id: ObjectId) -> Sample:
"""Get a sample by its id.
sample_id (ObjectId): id of the sample within sample collection
ValueError: no sample found with given id
Sample: Sample object for given id
result = self._sample_collection.find_one({"_id": sample_id})
if result is None:
raise ValueError(f"No sample found with id: {sample_id}")
return Sample(
metadata=result.get("metadata", {}),
tags=result.get("tags", []),
def update_sample_task_id(self, sample_id: ObjectId, task_id: ObjectId | None):
"""Update the task id for a sample."""
result = self._sample_collection.find_one({"_id": sample_id})
if result is None:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find sample with id: {sample_id}")
{"_id": sample_id},
"$set": {
"task_id": task_id,
"last_updated": datetime.now(),
def move_sample(self, sample_id: ObjectId, position: str | None):
"""Update the sample with new position."""
result = self._sample_collection.find_one({"_id": sample_id})
if result is None:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find sample with id: {sample_id}")
if result["position"] == position:
if position is not None and not self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
# Wait a bit to see if it is actually locked
for _ in range(5):
if self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
if not self.is_unoccupied_position(position):
raise ValueError(
f"Requested position ({position}) is not EMPTY or LOCKED by other task."
{"_id": sample_id},
"$set": {
"position": position,
"last_updated": datetime.now(),
def get_samples_on_device(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, list[ObjectId]]:
"""Get all the samples on a device."""
samples = self._sample_collection.find(
{"position": {"$regex": f"^{device_name}{SamplePosition.SEPARATOR}"}}
all_samples = {}
for sample in samples:
# remove the suffix of the sample position (e.g. remove /1, /2, etc.)
position_name = re.sub(
f"{SamplePosition.SEPARATOR}\\d+$", "", sample["position"]
all_samples.setdefault(position_name, []).append(sample["_id"])
return all_samples
def exists(self, sample_id: ObjectId | str) -> bool:
"""Check if a sample exists in the database.
sample_id (ObjectId): id of the sample within sample collection
bool: True if sample exists in the database
return self._sample_collection.count_documents({"_id": ObjectId(sample_id)}) > 0