Source code for alab_management.logger

"""Logger module takes charge of recording information, warnings and errors during executing tasks."""

from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum, auto, unique
from typing import Any, cast

from bson import ObjectId

from .utils.data_objects import get_collection

[docs] @unique class LoggingType(Enum): """Different types of log.""" DEVICE_SIGNAL = auto() SAMPLE_AMOUNT = auto() CHARACTERIZATION_RESULT = auto() SYSTEM_LOG = auto() OTHER = auto()
[docs] class LoggingLevel(Enum): """Different level log.""" CRITICAL = 50 FATAL = CRITICAL ERROR = 40 WARNING = 30 WARN = WARNING INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10
[docs] class DBLogger: """A custom logger that wrote data to database, where we predefined some log pattern.""" def __init__(self, task_id: ObjectId | None): self.task_id = task_id self._logging_collection = get_collection("logs")
[docs] def log( self, level: str | int | LoggingLevel, log_data: dict[str, Any], logging_type: LoggingType = LoggingType.OTHER, ) -> ObjectId: """ Basic log function. Args: level: the level of this log, which can be string, int or :py:class:`LoggingLevel <LoggingLevel>` log_data: the data to be logged logging_type: the type of logging. """ if isinstance(level, str): level = LoggingLevel[level].value elif isinstance(level, LoggingLevel): level = level.value result = self._logging_collection.insert_one( { "task_id": self.task_id, "type":, "level": level, "log_data": log_data, "created_at":, } ) return cast(ObjectId, result.inserted_id)
[docs] def log_amount(self, log_data: dict[str, Any]): """Log the amount of samples and chemicals (e.g. weight).""" return self.log( level=LoggingLevel.INFO, log_data=log_data, logging_type=LoggingType.SAMPLE_AMOUNT, )
[docs] def log_characterization_result(self, log_data: dict[str, Any]): """Log the characterization result (e.g. XRD pattern).""" return self.log( level=LoggingLevel.INFO, log_data=log_data, logging_type=LoggingType.CHARACTERIZATION_RESULT, )
[docs] def log_device_signal(self, device_name: str, signal_name: str, signal_value: Any): """Log the device sensor's signal (e.g. the voltage of batteries, the temperature of furnace).""" return self.log( level=LoggingLevel.DEBUG, log_data={ "device_name": device_name, "signal_name": signal_name, "signal_value": signal_value, }, logging_type=LoggingType.DEVICE_SIGNAL, )
[docs] def system_log(self, level: str | int | LoggingLevel, log_data: dict[str, Any]): """Log that comes from the workflow system.""" return self.log( level=level, log_data=log_data, logging_type=LoggingType.SYSTEM_LOG )
[docs] def filter_log( self, level: str | int | LoggingLevel, within: timedelta ) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Find log within a range of time (1h/1d or else) higher than certain level.""" if isinstance(level, str): level = cast(int, LoggingLevel[level].value) elif isinstance(level, LoggingLevel): level = cast(int, level.value) return self._logging_collection.find( {"level": {"$gte": level}, "created_at": {"$gte": - within}} )
[docs] def get_latest_device_signal( self, device_name: str, signal_name: str ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the last device signal log. Args: device_name (str): device_name signal_name (str): signal name Returns ------- Optional[Any]: dictionary with result. dict example: .. code-block:: { "device_name": device_name, "signal_name": signal_name, "value": signal_value, "timestamp": timestamp } """ result = self._logging_collection.find_one( { "type":, "log_data.device_name": device_name, "log_data.signal_name": signal_name, }, sort=[("created_at", -1)], ) if result is not None: value = result["log_data"]["signal_value"] timestamp = result["created_at"] else: value = None # TODO do we want to raise here instead? timestamp = return { "device_name": device_name, "signal_name": signal_name, "value": value, "timestamp": timestamp, }
[docs] def filter_device_signal( self, device_name: str, signal_name: str, within: timedelta ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Find device signal log within a range of time (1h/1d or else). Args: device_name (str): name of device signal_name (str): name of signal to retrieve within (timedelta): timedelta (how far back) to retrieve Returns ------- Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary containing signal data. Dict form is: { "device_name": device_name, "signal_name": signal_name, "timestamp": [list of timestamps], "value": [list of signal values] } """ result = self._logging_collection.find( { "type":, "log_data.device_name": device_name, "log_data.signal_name": signal_name, "created_at": {"$gte": - within}, } ) data = { "device_name": device_name, "signal_name": signal_name, "timestamp": [], "value": [], } for entry in result: data["timestamp"].append(entry["created_at"]) data["value"].append(entry["log_data"]["signal_value"]) return data