Source code for alab_management.lab_view

Each task process will have a ``LabView`` instance, through which it can request
the lab resources (devices and sample positions).

It can also update the position of a sample in the lab.

import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Any

from bson import ObjectId

from alab_management.device_manager import DevicesClient
from alab_management.device_view.device import BaseDevice
from alab_management.experiment_view.experiment_view import ExperimentView
from alab_management.logger import DBLogger
from alab_management.resource_manager.resource_requester import ResourceRequester
from alab_management.sample_view.sample import Sample
from alab_management.sample_view.sample_view import SampleView
from alab_management.task_view.task import BaseTask
from alab_management.task_view.task_enums import TaskPriority, TaskStatus
from alab_management.task_view.task_view import TaskView
from alab_management.user_input import request_user_input, request_user_input_with_note

[docs] class DeviceRunningException(Exception): """Raise when a task try to release a device that is still running."""
[docs] class LabView: """ LabView is a wrapper over device view and sample view. A task can get access to that to request resources, query sample and update sample positions. """ def __init__(self, task_id: ObjectId): self._task_view = TaskView() self.__task_entry = self._task_view.get_task( task_id=task_id ) # will throw error if task_id does not exist self._experiment_view = ExperimentView() self._task_id = task_id self._sample_view = SampleView() self._resource_requester = ResourceRequester(task_id=task_id) self._device_client = DevicesClient(task_id=task_id, timeout=None) self.logger = DBLogger(task_id=task_id) self._priority = TaskPriority.NORMAL.value @property def task_id(self) -> ObjectId: """Get the task id of the current task.""" return self._task_id
[docs] @contextmanager def request_resources( self, resource_request: dict[type[BaseDevice] | str | None, dict[str, str | int]], priority: int | None = None, timeout: float | None = None, ): """ Request devices and sample positions. This function is a context manager, which should be used in a with statement to ensure all the devices are released when the task is done. resource_request format is: {device: {position: number, ...}, ...} device can be a name of a specific device (str), a type of device, or None. If device is a type, the resource request will look for any available device of that type. If device is None, the resource request will look for sample positions that do not belong to a device. position is the name of a sample position that should be reserved on the device, and number is the number of such positions that should be reserved. If the device is required but no positions are required, this can be left as an empty dictionary. Examples -------- {TubeFurnace: {"tray": 4}, "arm1": {}} will find the first available TubeFurnace device, then reserve 4 sample positions of "{tubefurnacename}/tray/{tray_index}" on that device. It will also find the device named "arm1". The priority of the request can optionally be specified as a positive integer, which should probably be in the range of 0-40. 20 is the default "NORMAL" priority level. Higher number = higher priority. Numbers >= 100 are reserved for urgent/error correcting requests. """ priority = priority or self.priority self._task_view.update_status( task_id=self.task_id, status=TaskStatus.REQUESTING_RESOURCES ) result = self._resource_requester.request_resources( resource_request=resource_request, timeout=timeout, priority=priority ) request_id = result["request_id"] devices = result["devices"] sample_positions = result["sample_positions"] devices = { device_type: self._device_client.create_device_wrapper(device_name) for device_type, device_name in devices.items() } # type: ignore self._task_view.update_status(task_id=self.task_id, status=TaskStatus.RUNNING) yield devices, sample_positions self._resource_requester.release_resources(request_id=request_id)
def _sample_name_to_id(self, sample_name: str) -> ObjectId: """ Get a sample id by name. Looks up sample name->id mapping for the experiment `self.task_id` belongs to. """ for sample in self.__task_entry["samples"]: if sample["name"] == sample_name: return sample["sample_id"] raise ValueError( f"No sample with name \"{sample_name}\" found for task \"{self.__task_entry['type']}\"" )
[docs] def get_sample(self, sample: ObjectId | str) -> Sample: """ Get a sample by either an ObjectId corresponding to sample_id, or as a string corresponding to the sample's name within the experiment., see also :py:meth:`get_sample <alab_management.sample_view.sample_view.SampleView.get_sample>`. """ if isinstance(sample, str): sample_id = self._sample_name_to_id(sample) elif isinstance(sample, ObjectId): sample_id = sample else: raise TypeError("sample must be a sample name (str) or id (ObjectId)") return self._sample_view.get_sample(sample_id=sample_id)
[docs] def move_sample(self, sample: ObjectId | str, position: str | None): """ Move a sample to a new position. `sample` can be given as either an ObjectId corresponding to sample_id, or as a string corresponding to the sample's name within the experiment. See Also -------- :py:meth:`move_sample <alab_management.sample_view.sample_view.SampleView.move_sample>` """ # check if this sample position is locked by current task if ( position is not None and self._sample_view.get_sample_position_status(position)[1] != self._task_id ): # Wait a few seconds for the sample position to be locked in case it is not # locked by the current task yet. for _ in range(5): time.sleep(1) if ( self._sample_view.get_sample_position_status(position)[1] == self._task_id ): break if ( self._sample_view.get_sample_position_status(position)[1] != self._task_id ): raise ValueError( f"Cannot move sample to the new sample position ({position}) without locking it." ) # check if this sample is owned by current task sample_entry = self.get_sample(sample=sample) if sample_entry.task_id != self._task_id: raise ValueError("Cannot move a sample that does not belong to this task.") self._sample_view.move_sample( sample_id=sample_entry.sample_id, position=position )
[docs] def get_locked_sample_positions(self) -> list[str]: """Get a list of sample positions that are occupied by this task.""" return self._sample_view.get_sample_positions_by_task(task_id=self._task_id)
[docs] def get_sample_position_parent_device(self, position: str) -> str | None: """Get the name of the device that owns the sample position.""" return self._sample_view.get_sample_position_parent_device(position=position)
[docs] def update_sample_metadata(self, sample: ObjectId | str, metadata: dict[str, Any]): """ Update the metadata of a sample. `sample` can be given as either an ObjectId corresponding to sample_id, or as a string corresponding to the sample's name within the experiment. See Also -------- :py:meth:`update_sample_metadata <alab_management.sample_view.sample_view.SampleView.update_sample_metadata>` """ if isinstance(sample, str): sample_id = self._sample_name_to_id(sample) elif isinstance(sample, ObjectId): sample_id = sample else: raise TypeError("sample must be a sample name (str) or id (ObjectId)") return self._sample_view.update_sample_metadata( sample_id=sample_id, metadata=metadata )
[docs] def run_subtask( self, task: type[BaseTask], samples: list[ObjectId | str], **kwargs ): """ Run a task as a subtask within the task. basically fills in task_id and lab_view for you. this command blocks until the subtask is completed. Args: task (Type[BaseTask]): The type/class of the Task to run. samples (List[Union[ObjectId, str]]): List of sample IDs or names. **kwargs: will be passed to the Task method via the parameters entry in the task collection. """ if not issubclass(task, BaseTask): raise TypeError("task must be a subclass of BaseTask!") # TODO maybe check if task is in task_registry? for future if tasks are somehow checked when adding to registry # task_id and lab_view kwargs forced to match that of current LabView instance kwargs.pop("task_id", None) kwargs.pop("lab_view", None) task_id = self._task_id lab_view = self subtask_id = self._task_view.create_subtask( task_id=task_id, subtask_type=task.__name__, samples=samples, parameters=kwargs, ) try: subtask: BaseTask = task( _offline_mode=False, task_id=task_id, lab_view=lab_view, samples=samples, **kwargs, ) except Exception as exc: self._task_view.update_subtask_status( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, status=TaskStatus.ERROR ) self._task_view.update_subtask_result( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, result=str(exc) ) raise Exception( "Failed to create subtask of type {} within task {} of type {}".format( task, task_id, self._task_view.get_task(task_id=task_id, encode=True)["type"], ) ) from exc self.logger.system_log( level="INFO", log_data={ "logged_by": "TaskActor", "type": "SubTaskStart", "task_id": task_id, "subtask_type": task.__name__, }, ) try: self._task_view.update_subtask_status( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, status=TaskStatus.RUNNING ) result = # block until completion except Exception as exception: self._task_view.update_subtask_status( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, status=TaskStatus.ERROR ) self._task_view.update_subtask_result( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, result=str(exception) ) self.logger.system_log( level="ERROR", log_data={ "logged_by": "TaskActor", "type": "SubTaskEnd", "task_id": task_id, "subtask_type": task.__name__, "status": "ERROR", "traceback": format_exc(), }, ) raise else: self._task_view.update_subtask_status( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, status=TaskStatus.COMPLETED ) self._task_view.update_subtask_result( task_id=task_id, subtask_id=subtask_id, result=result ) self.logger.system_log( level="INFO", log_data={ "logged_by": "TaskActor", "type": "SubTaskEnd", "task_id": task_id, "subtask_type": task.__name__, "status": "COMPLETED", }, ) return result
[docs] def request_user_input(self, prompt: str, options: list[str]) -> str: """ Request user input from the user. This function will block until the user inputs something. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to display to the user. options (list[str]): A list of options to display to the user. Returns ------- response (str): The value returned by the user (from the buttons). """ return request_user_input(task_id=self.task_id, prompt=prompt, options=options)
[docs] def request_user_input_with_note( self, prompt: str, options: list[str] ) -> tuple[str, str]: """ Request user input from the user. This function will block until the user inputs something. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to display to the user. options (list[str]): A list of options to display to the user. Returns ------- response (str): The value returned by the user (from the buttons). note (str): The note returned by the user. """ return request_user_input_with_note( task_id=self.task_id, prompt=prompt, options=options )
@property def priority(self) -> int: """Get the priority of the task.""" return self._priority @priority.setter def priority(self, priority: int): if isinstance(priority, TaskPriority): priority = priority.value self._priority = priority
[docs] def update_result(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Update a result of the task. This result will be saved in the task collection under `` and can be retrieved later. Args: name (str): name of the result (ie "diffraction pattern"). This will be used as the key in the results dictionary. value (Any): value of the result. This can be a numpy array, a set, or any other bson-serializable object (most standard Python types). """ self._task_view.update_result(task_id=self.task_id, name=name, value=value)
[docs] def request_cleanup(self): """Request cleanup of the task. This function will block until the task is cleaned up.""" all_reserved_sample_positions = self._sample_view.get_sample_positions_by_task( self.task_id ) all_samples = self.__task_entry["samples"] all_positions_with_samples = [ self._sample_view.get_sample(sample_entry["sample_id"]).position for sample_entry in all_samples ] all_positions_with_samples = [ each for each in all_positions_with_samples if each ] self.request_user_input( prompt="A unrecoverable error has occurred.\n" f"(1) remove samples on {', '.join(all_positions_with_samples)}\n" f"(2) remove all other consumables on {', '.join(all_reserved_sample_positions)}\n" f"The error information is {format_exc()}", options=["OK"], ) # move the samples out of the lab for sample in all_samples: self.move_sample(sample=sample["sample_id"], position=None) # release all the resource that has not been fulfilled self._resource_requester.release_all_resources()