Source code for alab_management.experiment_view.experiment

"""Define the format of experiment request."""

from typing import Any

from bson import BSON, ObjectId  # type: ignore
from pydantic import (

class _Sample(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(pattern=r"^[^$.]+$")
    sample_id: str | None = None
    tags: list[str]
    metadata: dict[str, Any]

    def if_provided_must_be_valid_objectid(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return  # management will autogenerate a valid objectid

            return str(ObjectId(v))
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                "An experiment received over the API contained a sample with an invalid sample_id. The sample_id was "
                f"set to {v}, which is not a valid ObjectId."
            ) from exc

    def must_be_bsonable(cls, v):
        """If v is not None, we must confirm that it can be encoded to BSON."""
            return v
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                "An experiment received over the API contained a sample with invalid metadata. The metadata was set "
                f"to {v}, which is not BSON-serializable."
            ) from exc

class _Task(BaseModel):
    type: str
    parameters: dict[str, Any]
    prev_tasks: list[int]
    samples: list[str]
    task_id: str | None = None

    def if_provided_must_be_valid_objectid(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return  # management will autogenerate a valid objectid

            return str(ObjectId(v))
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                "An experiment received over the API contained a task with an invalid task_id. The task_id was set to "
                f"{v}, which is not a valid ObjectId."
            ) from exc

    def must_be_bsonable(cls, v):
        """If v is not None, we must confirm that it can be encoded to BSON."""
            return v
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ValueError(
                "An experiment received over the API contained a task with invalid parameters. The parameters was set "
                f"to {v}, which is not BSON-serializable."
            ) from exc

[docs] class InputExperiment(BaseModel): """This is the format that user should follow to write to experiment database.""" name: str = Field(pattern=r"^[^$.]+$") samples: list[_Sample] tasks: list[_Task] tags: list[str] metadata: dict[str, Any]
[docs] @field_validator("metadata") def must_be_bsonable(cls, v): """If v is not None, we must confirm that it can be encoded to BSON.""" try: BSON.encode(v) return v except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( "An experiment received over the API contained invalid metadata. The metadata was set to {v}, " "which is not BSON-serializable." ) from exc