Source code for alab_management.experiment_manager

Experiment manager for the ALAB.

It is responsible for parsing the incoming experiment requests into many
tasks and samples and mark the finished tasks in the database when it is

import time
from typing import Any

from .config import AlabOSConfig
from .experiment_view import CompletedExperimentView, ExperimentStatus, ExperimentView
from .logger import DBLogger
from .sample_view import SampleView
from .task_view import TaskStatus, TaskView
from .utils.graph_ops import Graph

[docs] class ExperimentManager: """ Experiment manager read experiments from the experiment collection and submit the experiment to executor and flag the completed experiments. """ def __init__(self): self.experiment_view = ExperimentView() self.task_view = TaskView() self.sample_view = SampleView() self.logger = DBLogger(task_id=None) config = AlabOSConfig() self.__copy_to_completed_db = ( "mongodb_completed" in config ) # if this is not defined in the config, assume it this feature is not being used. if self.__copy_to_completed_db: self.completed_experiment_view = CompletedExperimentView()
[docs] def run(self): """Start the event loop.""" self.logger.system_log( level="DEBUG", log_data={ "logged_by": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "ExperimentManagerStarted", }, ) while True: self._loop() time.sleep(1)
def _loop(self): self.handle_pending_experiments() self.mark_completed_experiments()
[docs] def handle_pending_experiments(self): """ This method will scan the database to find out if there are any pending experiments and submit it to task database. """ pending_experiments = self.experiment_view.get_experiments_with_status( ExperimentStatus.PENDING ) for experiment in pending_experiments: self._handle_pending_experiment(experiment=experiment) self.logger.system_log( level="DEBUG", log_data={ "logged_by": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "ExperimentStarted", "exp_id": experiment["_id"], }, )
def _handle_pending_experiment(self, experiment: dict[str, Any]): samples: list[dict[str, Any]] = experiment["samples"] tasks: list[dict[str, Any]] = experiment["tasks"] # check if there is any cycle in the graph reversed_edges = {i: task["prev_tasks"] for i, task in enumerate(tasks)} task_graph = Graph( list(range(len(tasks))), # reverse reserved edges to get right directions of edges { i: [ j for j, children in reversed_edges.items() for child in children if child == i ] for i in list(range(len(tasks))) }, ) if task_graph.has_cycle(): self.experiment_view.update_experiment_status( experiment["_id"], ExperimentStatus.ERROR ) print(f"Experiment ({experiment['_id']}) has a cycle in the graph.") return # create samples in the sample database sample_ids = { sample["name"]: self.sample_view.create_sample( sample["name"], sample_id=sample.get("sample_id", None), tags=sample.get("tags", []), metadata=sample.get("metadata", {}), ) for sample in samples } # create tasks in the task database task_ids = [] for task in tasks: samples = [ {"name": samplename, "sample_id": sample_ids[samplename]} for samplename in task["samples"] ] task_ids.append( self.task_view.create_task( task_type=task["type"], parameters=task["parameters"], samples=samples, task_id=task.get("task_id", None), ) ) # change the content of graph's vertices task_graph.vertices = task_ids # add dependency to each task for task_id in task_ids: self.task_view.update_task_dependency( task_id, next_tasks=task_graph.get_children(task_id), prev_tasks=task_graph.get_parents(task_id), ) self.task_view.try_to_mark_task_ready(task_id) # write back the assign task & sample ids self.experiment_view.update_sample_task_id( exp_id=experiment["_id"], sample_ids=list(sample_ids.values()), task_ids=task_ids, ) # update the status of experiment to RUNNING (have handled by experiment manager) self.experiment_view.update_experiment_status( exp_id=experiment["_id"], status=ExperimentStatus.RUNNING )
[docs] def mark_completed_experiments(self): """This method will scan the database to mark completed experiments in time.""" running_experiments = self.experiment_view.get_experiments_with_status( ExperimentStatus.RUNNING ) for experiment in running_experiments: task_ids = [task["task_id"] for task in experiment["tasks"]] # if all the tasks of an experiment have been finished if all( self.task_view.get_status(task_id=task_id) in { TaskStatus.COMPLETED, TaskStatus.ERROR, TaskStatus.CANCELLED, } for task_id in task_ids ): self.experiment_view.update_experiment_status( exp_id=experiment["_id"], status=ExperimentStatus.COMPLETED ) self.logger.system_log( level="DEBUG", log_data={ "logged_by": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "ExperimentCompleted", "exp_id": experiment["_id"], }, ) print(f"Experiment ({experiment['_id']}) completed.") if self.__copy_to_completed_db: self.completed_experiment_view.save_experiment(experiment["_id"]) print( f"Experiment ({experiment['_id']}) and associated " f"samples/tasks were copied to the completed db." ) self.logger.system_log( level="DEBUG", log_data={ "logged_by": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "ExperimentSavedToCompletedDB", "exp_id": experiment["_id"], }, )