Source code for alab_management.device_view.device_view

"""Wrapper over the ``devices`` collection."""

import time
from import Collection
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum, auto, unique
from typing import Any, TypeVar, cast

import pymongo  # type: ignore
from bson import ObjectId  # type: ignore

from alab_management.sample_view import SamplePosition, SampleView
from alab_management.utils.data_objects import get_collection, get_lock

from .device import BaseDevice, get_all_devices

_DeviceType = TypeVar("_DeviceType", bound=BaseDevice)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs] class DeviceConnectionError(Exception): """Generic error signifying that connection to a device has failed."""
[docs] @unique class DeviceTaskStatus(Enum): """The Task status of devices. Used by TaskManager to decide whether a Device is available for to execute a Task.""" UNKNOWN = auto() IDLE = auto() OCCUPIED = auto() ERROR = auto()
[docs] @unique class DevicePauseStatus(Enum): """Pause status of the Device. This is used to pause the device outside of the typical Task queue (like by an operator for maintenance or refilling consumables). """ RELEASED = auto() REQUESTED = auto() PAUSED = auto()
[docs] class DeviceView: """ Device view provides API to get/set the status of a device as well as request ownership of one device. """ def __init__(self, connect_to_devices: bool = False): """Class with methods to interact with devices (status + method execution). Args: connect_to_devices (Optional[bool]): If true, make a connection to all devices (serial, ip, etc.). If False, can still check Device status, but cannot execute methods on devices. Defaults to False. """ self._device_collection = get_collection("devices") self._device_collection.create_index([("name", pymongo.HASHED)]) self._device_list = get_all_devices() self._lock = get_lock( self.__connected_to_devices = False self._sample_view = SampleView() if connect_to_devices: self.__connect_all_devices() def __connect_all_devices(self): for device_name, device in self._device_list.items(): try: device._connect_wrapper() except Exception as e: raise DeviceConnectionError( f"Could not connect to {device_name}!" ) from e print(f"Connected to {device_name}") self.__connected_to_devices = True def __disconnect_all_devices(self): for device_name, device in self._device_list.items(): try: device._disconnect_wrapper() except Exception as e: raise DeviceConnectionError( f"Could not disconnect from {device_name}!" ) from e print(f"Disconnected from {device_name}") self.__connected_to_devices = False
[docs] def sync_device_status(self): """ Sync the device status (usually when the system is set up). Some devices may still be running, so it is not usable now. We will set the status to ``OCCUPIED`` """ for device in self._device_list.values(): status = ( DeviceTaskStatus.OCCUPIED if device.is_running() else DeviceTaskStatus.IDLE ) self._update_status(, target_status=status, required_status=None, task_id=None, )
[docs] def add_devices_to_db(self): """ Insert device definitions to db, which includes devices' name, descriptions, parameters, type (class name). When one device's name has already appeared in the database, a ``NameError`` will be raised. Device name is a unique identifier for a device """ for device in self._device_list.values(): if self._device_collection.find_one({"name":}) is not None: raise NameError( f"Duplicated device name {}, did you cleanup the database?" ) self._device_collection.insert_one( { "name":, "description": device.description, "type": device.__class__.__name__, "sample_positions": [ f"{}{SamplePosition.SEPARATOR}{}" for sample_pos in device.sample_positions ], "status":, "pause_status":, "task_id": None, "created_at":, "message": "", "last_updated":, "attributes": {}, } )
[docs] def get_all(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Get all the devices in the database, used for dashboard.""" return cast(list[dict[str, Any]], self._device_collection.find())
def _clean_up_device_collection(self): """Clean up the device collection.""" self._device_collection.drop()
[docs] def request_devices( self, task_id: ObjectId, device_names_str: Collection[str] | None = None, device_types_str: ( Collection[str] | None ) = None, # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object ) -> dict[str, dict[str, str | bool]] | None: """ Request a list of device, this function will return the name of devices if all the requested device is ready. .. note:: There should be no duplicated devices in the ``device_type``, or a ``ValueError`` shall be raised Args: task_id (ObjectId): the id of task that requests these devices device_names_str (Optional[Collection[str]]): the requested device names. If None, no device name is requested device_types_str (Optional[Collection[str]]): the requested device types. If None, no device type is requested Returns ------- {"device_type_name": {"name": device_name, "need_release": need_release (bool)}} or None """ if device_names_str is None: device_names_str = [] if device_types_str is None: device_types_str = [] if len(device_types_str) != len(set(device_types_str)): raise ValueError( "Currently we do not allow duplicated device types in one request." ) idle_devices: dict[str, dict[str, str | bool]] = {} with self._lock(): # pylint: disable=not-callable for device_name in device_names_str: result = self.get_available_devices( device_str=device_name, type_or_name="name", task_id=task_id ) if not result: return None # cannot meet all requirement, return None idle_devices[device_name] = result[0] for device in device_types_str: result = self.get_available_devices( device_str=device, type_or_name="type", task_id=task_id ) if not result: return None same_task_devices = list( filter(lambda device_: not device_["need_release"], result) ) if len(same_task_devices) > 0: # just pick the first device idle_devices[device] = same_task_devices[0] else: # if no device is held by the same task, pick the device with least samples minimum_number_of_samples = 999999999 for device_ in result: samples_on_device_ = self._sample_view.get_samples_on_device( device_["name"] ) number_of_samples_in_device_ = sum( len(samples) for samples in samples_on_device_.values() ) if number_of_samples_in_device_ < minimum_number_of_samples: minimum_number_of_samples = number_of_samples_in_device_ idle_devices[device] = device_ return idle_devices
[docs] def get_samples_on_device(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, list[ObjectId]]: """ Get all the samples on a device. This function will directly call the ``SampleView.get_samples_on_device`` method for backward compatibility. .. note:: (in version 1.0.1) This function has been moved to ``SampleView`` class. """ return self._sample_view.get_samples_on_device(device_name)
[docs] def get_available_devices( self, device_str: str, type_or_name: str, task_id: ObjectId | None = None ) -> list[dict[str, str | bool]]: """ Given device type, it will return all the device with this type. If only_idle set to True, only the idle devices will be returned (or ones have the same task id) Args: device_str (str): the type of device type_or_name: "type" or "name" to specify whether searching for a type of device by Type(BaseDevice), or for a specific device by name task_id: the id of task that requests this device Returns ------- [{"name": device_name, "need_release": bool}] The entry need_release indicates whether a device needs to be released when __exit__ method is called in the ``DevicesLock``. """ if type_or_name == "type": request_dict = { "type": device_str, } elif type_or_name == "name": request_dict = {"name": device_str} else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown type_or_name: {type_or_name}") if self._device_collection.find_one(request_dict) is None: raise ValueError(f"No such device of {type_or_name} {device_str}") request_dict.update( { "$or": [ { # type: ignore "$and": [ {"status":}, {"pause_status":}, ] }, { "task_id": task_id, }, ] } ) return [ { "name": device_entry["name"], # if device already held by this task, don't release with # this request. Will be released by the older request. "need_release": device_entry["task_id"] != task_id, } for device_entry in self._device_collection.find(request_dict) ]
[docs] def get_device(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get device by device name, if not found, raises ``ValueError``.""" device_entry = self._device_collection.find_one({"name": device_name}) if device_entry is None: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find device with name: {device_name}") return device_entry
[docs] def get_status(self, device_name: str) -> DeviceTaskStatus: """Get device status by device name, if not found, raise ``ValueError``.""" device_entry = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) return DeviceTaskStatus[device_entry["status"]]
[docs] def occupy_device(self, device: BaseDevice | str, task_id: ObjectId): """Occupy a device with given task id.""" self._update_status( device=device, required_status=DeviceTaskStatus.IDLE, target_status=DeviceTaskStatus.OCCUPIED, task_id=task_id, ) device_name = if isinstance(device, BaseDevice) else device # Wait until the device status has been updated to OCCUPIED while ( self.get_status(device_name=device_name).name != ): time.sleep(0.5)
[docs] def get_devices_by_task(self, task_id: ObjectId | None) -> list[BaseDevice]: """Get devices given a task id (regardless of its status!).""" return [ self._device_list[device["name"]] for device in self._device_collection.find({"task_id": task_id}) ]
[docs] def release_device(self, device_name: str): """ Release a device. device: name of device to be released """ device_entry = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) update_dict = { "task_id": None, "last_updated":, "status":, } if ( DevicePauseStatus[device_entry["pause_status"]] == DevicePauseStatus.REQUESTED ): update_dict.update( { "pause_status":, } ) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, {"$set": update_dict}, ) # wait until the device status has been updated to IDLE while self.get_status(device_name=device_name).name != "IDLE": time.sleep(0.5)
def _update_status( self, device: BaseDevice | str, required_status: DeviceTaskStatus | list[DeviceTaskStatus] | None, target_status: DeviceTaskStatus, task_id: ObjectId | None, ): """ A method that check and update the status of a device. If ``task_id`` is the same as the task id in queried sample, we will just skip the status check specified by ``required_status`` """ device_name = if isinstance(device, BaseDevice) else device device_entry = self._device_collection.find_one({"name": device_name}) if device_entry is None: raise ValueError( f"Cannot find device ({device_name}). Did you run `setup` command?" ) required_status = ( [required_status] if isinstance(required_status, DeviceTaskStatus) else required_status ) # if task_id has the same value, we will not check the current status if device_entry["task_id"] == task_id: required_status = None if ( required_status is not None and DeviceTaskStatus[device_entry["status"]] not in required_status ): raise ValueError( f"Device's current status ({device_entry['status']}) is " f"not in allowed set of statuses {[ for status in required_status]}. " f"Cannot change status to {}" ) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, { "$set": { "status":, "task_id": task_id, "last_updated":, } }, )
[docs] def query_property(self, device_name: str, prop: str): """ Query the property value of a device (with ``device_name``) with ``prop``. If there is no such device with name ``device_name``, a ``ValueError`` shall be raised. If there is no such property with name ``prop``, a ``AttributeError`` shall be raised. """ if device_name not in self._device_list: raise ValueError(f"Cannot find device with name: {device_name}") device: BaseDevice = self._device_list[device_name] if not hasattr(device, prop): raise AttributeError( f"Cannot find method with name: {prop} on {device_name}" ) return getattr(device, prop)
[docs] def execute_command(self, device_name: str, method: str, *args, **kwargs): """Call a callable function (``method``) with ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` on ``device_name``.""" if not self.__connected_to_devices: raise Exception( "DeviceView cannot execute device commands without first connecting to the devices!" ) device_method = self.query_property(device_name=device_name, prop=method) return device_method(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_message(self, device_name: str, message: str): """Sets the device message. Message is used to communicate device state with the user dashboard. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to set the message for message (str): message to be set """ self.get_device(device_name=device_name) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, {"$set": {"message": message, "last_updated":}}, )
[docs] def get_message(self, device_name: str) -> str: """Gets the current device message. Message is used to communicate device state with the user dashboard. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to set the message for """ return self.get_device(device_name=device_name)["message"]
[docs] def get_all_attributes(self, device_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns the device attributes. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to get the attributes for Returns ------- dict: device attributes """ device = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) return device["attributes"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, device_name: str, attribute: str) -> Any: """Gets a device attribute. Attributes are used to store device-specific values in the database. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to get the attribute for attribute (str): attribute to be retrieved Returns ------- Any: attribute value """ device = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) if attribute not in device["attributes"]: raise AttributeError( f"Device {device_name} does not have attribute {attribute}" ) return device["attributes"][attribute]
[docs] def set_all_attributes(self, device_name: str, attributes: dict): """Sets the device attributes. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to set the attributes for attributes (dict): attributes to be set """ self.get_device(device_name=device_name) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, { "$set": { "attributes": attributes, "last_updated":, } }, )
[docs] def set_attribute(self, device_name: str, attribute: str, value: Any): """Sets a device attribute. Attributes are used to store device-specific values in the database. Args: device_name (str): name of the device to set the attribute for attribute (str): attribute to be set value (Any): attribute value """ attributes = self.get_all_attributes(device_name=device_name) attributes[attribute] = value self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, { "$set": { "attributes": attributes, "last_updated":, } }, )
[docs] def pause_device(self, device_name: str): """Request pause for a specific device.""" # with self._lock(): device = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) new_pause_status = ( if device["status"] == else ) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, { "$set": { "pause_status": new_pause_status, "last_updated":, } }, )
[docs] def unpause_device(self, device_name: str): """Unpause a device.""" # with self._lock(): device = self.get_device(device_name=device_name) update_dict = { "pause_status":, "last_updated":, } # Unless the device is currently paused, we will leave its task status unchanged. if DevicePauseStatus[device["pause_status"]] == DevicePauseStatus.PAUSED: update_dict.update( { "status":, } ) self._device_collection.update_one( {"name": device_name}, {"$set": update_dict}, )
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Disconnect from all devices when exiting the context manager.""" if self.__connected_to_devices: self.__disconnect_all_devices()