Source code for alab_management.alarm

"""The module to send alerts to the user via email or slack."""

import smtplib

from retry.api import retry_call
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError

from alab_management.config import AlabOSConfig

[docs] def format_message_to_codeblock(message: str) -> str: """ The function takes a message and formats it as a code block. It is used to format tracebacks as code blocks in Slack. Args: message: The message to format (String). This is usually a traceback. Returns ------- formatted_message: The formatted message. This will be formatted into code block in slack if the message contains traceback, otherwise it will be the original message. """ # Check if "Traceback (most recent call last):" is in the message # Split the message into lines lines = message.split("\n") # Find the index of the line that starts with "Traceback (most recent call last):" traceback_index = next( ( i for i, line in enumerate(lines) if "Traceback (most recent call last):" in line ), None, ) if traceback_index is not None: # Extract the traceback and the lines that follow it traceback_lines = lines[traceback_index:] # Join the traceback lines into a single string traceback_str = "\n".join(traceback_lines) # Format the traceback as a code block traceback_code = f"```{traceback_str}\n```" # Replace the original traceback lines with the formatted code block lines[traceback_index:] = [traceback_code] # Join the lines back into a single string formatted_message = "\n".join(lines) else: formatted_message = message return formatted_message
[docs] class Alarm: """A class to send alerts to the user via email or slack.""" def __init__( self, email_receivers: list = None, email_sender: str = None, email_password: str = None, slack_bot_token: str = None, slack_channel_id: str = None, ): """ Args: email_receivers: A list of email addresses to send the alert to. email_sender: The email address to send the alert from. email_password: The password for the email address to send the alert from. slack_bot_token: The slack bot token to send the alert from. slack_channel_id: The slack channel id to send the alert to. """ self.sim_mode_flag = AlabOSConfig().is_sim_mode() self.email_alert = False self.slack_alert = False self.email_receivers = email_receivers self.email_sender = email_sender self.email_password = email_password self.slack_bot_token = slack_bot_token self.slack_channel_id = slack_channel_id if ( self.email_receivers is not None and self.email_sender is not None and self.email_password is not None ): self.setup_email( self.email_receivers, self.email_sender, self.email_password ) if self.slack_bot_token is not None and self.slack_channel_id is not None: self.setup_slackbot(self.slack_bot_token, self.slack_channel_id) self.platforms = {"email": self.email_alert, "slack": self.slack_alert}
[docs] def setup_email( self, email_receivers: list, email_sender: str, email_password: str ): """ Try to setup email notification (called in __init__). Args: email_receivers: A list of email addresses to send the alert to. email_sender: The email address to send the alert from. email_password: The password for the email address to send the alert from. """ self.email_receivers = email_receivers self.email_sender = email_sender self.email_password = email_password self.email_alert = True
[docs] def setup_slackbot(self, slack_bot_token: str, slack_channel_id: str): """ Try to setup slackbot notification (called in __init__). Args: slack_bot_token: The token from slackbot app slack_channel_id: The slack channel id where the slackbot app is deployed. """ self.slack_bot_token = slack_bot_token self.slack_channel_id = slack_channel_id self.slack_alert = True
[docs] def alert(self, message: str, category: str): """ Try to alert user in all platform in format of "Category: Message". Args: message: The message to print in the platform category: The category of the message. """ # if system is in simulation mode, do not send alert if not self.sim_mode_flag: for platform in self.platforms: # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items message_dict = {"message": message, "category": category} if self.platforms[platform]: try: # try twice to send email as it may fail due to network issue if platform == "email": retry_call( self.send_email, fkwargs=message_dict, tries=2, exceptions=Exception, ) if platform == "slack": # try twice to send slack notification as it may fail due to network issue retry_call( self.send_slack_notification, fkwargs=message_dict, tries=2, exceptions=SlackApiError, ) except Exception as e: print( f"Error sending alert to {platform} even after retry: {e}" )
[docs] def send_email(self, message: str, category: str): """ Send an email to the receiver email address with the exception and category. Category is the type of exception that occurred. Automatically use "Error" as category if the message contains traceback. Args: message: The message to print in the email category: The category of the message. """ if "Traceback (most recent call last):" in message: category = "Error" # Automatically format to code block message = format_message_to_codeblock(message) self.message = f"Subject: {category}\n\n{message}" with smtplib.SMTP("", 587) as server: server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(self.email_sender, self.email_password) for receiver in self.email_receivers: server.sendmail(self.email_sender, receiver, self.message)
[docs] def send_slack_notification(self, message: str, category: str): """ Send a slack message to the receiver email address with the exception and category. Category is the type of exception that occurred. Automatically use "Error" as category if the message contains traceback. Args: message: The message to print in the email category: The category of the message. """ if "Traceback (most recent call last):" in message: category = "Error" # Automatically format to code block message = format_message_to_codeblock(message) client = WebClient(token=self.slack_bot_token) client.chat_postMessage( channel=self.slack_channel_id, text=category + ": " + message )
[docs] def print_configuration(self): """Print the configuration of the alarm.""" print("Alarm Configuration:") print("Platforms: ", self.platforms) print("Email Receivers: ", self.email_receivers) print("Email Sender: ", self.email_sender) print("Slack Channel ID: ", self.slack_channel_id) print( "Sim Mode Flag: ", ( str(self.sim_mode_flag) + ". Will not send alerts in sim mode." if self.sim_mode_flag else "False" ), )