"""A set of generalized lasso Regressors.
* Lasso
* Group Lasso
* Overlap Group Lasso
* Sparse Group Lasso
* Ridged Group Lasso
Regressors follow scikit-learn interface, but use cvxpy to set up and solve
optimization problem.
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = "Luis Barroso-Luque, Fengyu Xie"
import warnings
from numbers import Real
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from sklearn.utils._param_validation import Interval
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_scalar
from .._utils.validation import _check_group_weights, _check_groups
from ._base import CVXCanonicals, CVXRegressor
[docs]class Lasso(CVXRegressor):
r"""Lasso Regressor implemented with cvxpy.
Regularized regression objective:
.. math::
\min_{\beta} || X \beta - y ||^2_2 + \alpha ||\beta||_1
alpha (float):
Regularization hyper-parameter.
fit_intercept (bool):
Whether the intercept should be estimated or not.
If False, the data is assumed to be already centered.
copy_X (bool):
If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten.
warm_start (bool):
When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to
fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous
solver (str):
cvxpy backend solver to use. Supported solvers are listed here:
solver_options (dict):
dictionary of keyword arguments passed to cvxpy solve.
See docs in CVXRegressor for more information.
coef_ (NDArray):
Parameter vector (:math:`\beta` in the cost function formula) of shape (n_features,).
intercept_ (float):
Independent term in decision function.
canonicals_ (SimpleNamespace):
Namespace that contains underlying cvxpy objects used to define
the optimization problem. The objects included are the following:
- objective - the objective function.
- beta - variable to be optimized (corresponds to the estimated coef_ attribute).
- parameters - hyper-parameters
- auxiliaries - auxiliary variables and expressions
- constraints - solution constraints
_cvx_parameter_constraints: dict[str, list[Any]] = {
"alpha": [Interval(type=Real, left=0.0, right=None, closed="left")]
def __init__(
alpha: float = 1.0,
fit_intercept: bool = False,
copy_X: bool = True,
warm_start: bool = False,
solver: str | None = None,
solver_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
self.alpha = alpha
def _generate_regularization(
X: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
parameters: SimpleNamespace,
auxiliaries: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
"""Generate regularization term."""
return parameters.alpha * cp.norm1(beta)
def _generate_objective(
X: ArrayLike,
y: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
parameters: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
auxiliaries: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
# can also use cp.norm2(X @ beta - y)**2 not sure whats better
reg = self._generate_regularization(X, beta, parameters, auxiliaries)
objective = 1 / (2 * X.shape[0]) * cp.sum_squares(X @ beta - y) + reg
return objective
[docs]class GroupLasso(Lasso):
r"""Group Lasso implementation.
Regularized regression objective:
.. math::
\min_{\beta} || X \beta - y ||^2_2 + \alpha \sum_{G} w_G ||\beta_G||_2
Where G represents groups of features/coefficients.
groups (ArrayLike):
array-like of integers specifying groups. Length should be the
same as model, where each integer entry specifies the group
each parameter corresponds to.
alpha (float):
Regularization hyper-parameter.
fit_intercept (bool):
Whether the intercept should be estimated or not.
If False, the data is assumed to be already centered.
group_weights (ArrayLike): optional
Weights for each group to use in the regularization term.
The default is to use the sqrt of the group sizes, however any
weight can be specified. The array must be the
same length as the groups given. If you need all groups
weighted equally just pass an array of ones.
standardize (bool): optional
Whether to standardize the group regularization penalty using
the feature matrix. See the following for reference:
copy_X (bool):
If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten.
warm_start (bool):
When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to
fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous
solver (str):
cvxpy backend solver to use. Supported solvers are listed here:
solver_options (dict):
dictionary of keyword arguments passed to cvxpy solve.
See docs in CVXRegressor for more information.
coef_ (NDArray):
Parameter vector (:math:`\beta` in the cost function formula) of shape (n_features,).
intercept_ (float):
Independent term in decision function.
canonicals_ (SimpleNamespace):
Namespace that contains underlying cvxpy objects used to define
the optimization problem. The objects included are the following:
- objective - the objective function.
- beta - variable to be optimized (corresponds to the estimated coef_ attribute).
- parameters - hyper-parameters
- auxiliaries - auxiliary variables and expressions
- constraints - solution constraints
def __init__(
groups: ArrayLike | None = None,
alpha: float = 1.0,
group_weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
standardize: bool = False,
fit_intercept: bool = False,
copy_X: bool = True,
warm_start: bool = False,
solver: str | None = None,
solver_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
self.groups = groups
self.standardize = standardize
self.group_weights = group_weights
def _validate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> None:
"""Validate group parameters."""
super()._validate_params(X, y)
if self.groups is None:
"groups has not been supplied such that the problem reduces to"
" a simple Lasso. You should consider using that instead.",
n_groups = X.shape[1]
n_groups = len(np.unique(self.groups))
_check_groups(self.groups, X.shape[1])
_check_group_weights(self.group_weights, n_groups)
def _set_param_values(self) -> None:
if self.group_weights is not None:
self.canonicals_.parameters.group_weights = self.group_weights
def _generate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> SimpleNamespace | None:
parameters = super()._generate_params(X, y)
n_groups = X.shape[1] if self.groups is None else len(np.unique(self.groups))
group_weights = (
np.ones(n_groups) if self.group_weights is None else self.group_weights
parameters.group_weights = group_weights
return parameters
def _generate_group_norms(
X: ArrayLike,
groups: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
standardize: bool,
parameters: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
"""Generate cp.Expression of group norms."""
group_masks = [groups == i for i in np.sort(np.unique(groups))]
if standardize:
group_norms = cp.hstack(
[cp.norm2(X[:, mask] @ beta[mask]) for mask in group_masks]
group_norms = cp.hstack([cp.norm2(beta[mask]) for mask in group_masks])
return group_norms
def _generate_auxiliaries(
self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, beta: cp.Variable, parameters: SimpleNamespace
) -> SimpleNamespace | None:
"""Generate auxiliary cp.Expression for group norms."""
groups = np.arange(X.shape[1]) if self.groups is None else self.groups
group_norms = self._generate_group_norms(
X, groups, beta, self.standardize, parameters
return SimpleNamespace(group_norms=group_norms)
def _generate_regularization(
X: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
parameters: SimpleNamespace,
auxiliaries: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
return parameters.alpha * (parameters.group_weights @ auxiliaries.group_norms)
# TODO this implementation is not efficient, reimplement, or simply deprecate.
[docs]class OverlapGroupLasso(GroupLasso):
r"""Overlap Group Lasso implementation.
Regularized regression objective:
.. math::
\min_{\beta} || X \beta - y ||^2_2 + \alpha \sum_{G} w_G ||\beta_G||_2
Where G represents groups of features/coefficients, and overlapping groups
are acceptable. Meaning a coefficients can be in more than one group.
group_list (list of lists of int):
list of lists of integers specifying groups. The length of the
list holding lists should be the same as model. Each inner list
has integers specifying the groups the coefficient for that
index belongs to. i.e. [[1,2],[2,3],[1,2,3]] means the first
coefficient belongs to group 1 and 2, the second to 2, and 3
and the third to 1, 2 and 3. In other words the 3 groups would
be: (0, 2), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2)
alpha (float):
Regularization hyper-parameter.
group_weights (ArrayLike): optional
Weights for each group to use in the regularization term.
The default is to use the sqrt of the group sizes, however any
weight can be specified. The array must be the
same length as the number of different groups given.
If you need all groups weighted equally just pass an array of
standardize (bool): optional
Whether to standardize the group regularization penalty using
the feature matrix. See the following for reference:
fit_intercept (bool):
Whether the intercept should be estimated or not.
If False, the data is assumed to be already centered.
copy_X (bool):
If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten.
warm_start (bool):
When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to
fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous
solver (str):
cvxpy backend solver to use. Supported solvers are listed here:
solver_options (dict):
dictionary of keyword arguments passed to cvxpy solve.
See docs in CVXRegressor for more information.
coef_ (NDArray):
Parameter vector (:math:`\beta` in the cost function formula) of shape (n_features,).
intercept_ (float):
Independent term in decision function.
canonicals_ (SimpleNamespace):
Namespace that contains underlying cvxpy objects used to define
the optimization problem. The objects included are the following:
- objective - the objective function.
- beta - variable to be optimized (corresponds to the estimated coef_ attribute).
- parameters - hyper-parameters
- auxiliaries - auxiliary variables and expressions
- constraints - solution constraints
def __init__(
group_list: list[list[int]] = None,
alpha: float = 1.0,
group_weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
standardize: bool = False,
fit_intercept: bool = False,
copy_X: bool = True,
warm_start: bool = False,
solver: str | None = None,
solver_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
self.group_list = group_list
def _validate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> None:
"""Validate group parameters."""
# skip group lasso validation
super(GroupLasso, self)._validate_params(X, y)
if self.group_list is not None:
if len(self.group_list) != X.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
"The length of the group list must be the same as the number of features."
n_groups = len(np.unique([gid for grp in self.group_list for gid in grp]))
"No group list has been supplied such that the problem reduces to"
" a simple Lasso. You should consider using that instead.",
n_groups = X.shape[1]
_check_group_weights(self.group_weights, n_groups)
def _generate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> SimpleNamespace | None:
parameters = super()._generate_params(X, y)
if self.group_list is None:
n_groups = X.shape[1]
n_groups = len(np.unique([gid for grp in self.group_list for gid in grp]))
group_weights = (
np.ones(n_groups) if self.group_weights is None else self.group_weights
parameters.group_weights = group_weights
return parameters
[docs] def generate_problem(
X: ArrayLike,
y: ArrayLike,
preprocess_data: bool = True,
sample_weight: ArrayLike | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize cvxpy problem from the generated objective function.
X (ArrayLike):
Covariate/Feature matrix
y (ArrayLike):
Target vector
preprocess_data (bool):
Whether to preprocess the data before generating the problem. If calling
generate_problem directly, this should be kept as True to ensure the
problem is generated correctly for a subsequent call to fit.
sample_weight (ArrayLike):
Individual weights for each sample of shape (n_samples,)
default=None. Only used if preprocess_data=True to rescale the data
if preprocess_data is True:
X, y, _, _, _ = self._preprocess_data(X, y, sample_weight)
# X, y are cached to avoid re-generating problem if fit is called again with
# same data
self.cached_X_ = X
self.cached_y_ = y
# need to generate the auxiliaries here since the problem data is "augmented"
# based on them
if self.group_list is None:
group_list = [[i] for i in range(X.shape[1])]
group_list = self.group_list
group_ids = np.sort(np.unique([gid for grp in group_list for gid in grp]))
beta_indices = [
[i for i, grp in enumerate(group_list) if grp_id in grp]
for grp_id in group_ids
extended_groups = np.concatenate(
* [
for i, g in enumerate(beta_indices)
beta_indices = np.concatenate(beta_indices)
X_ext = X[:, beta_indices]
beta = cp.Variable(X_ext.shape[1])
parameters = self._generate_params(X_ext, y)
group_norms = self._generate_group_norms(
X_ext, extended_groups, beta, self.standardize
auxiliaries = SimpleNamespace(
group_norms=group_norms, extended_coef_indices=beta_indices
objective = self._generate_objective(X_ext, y, beta, parameters, auxiliaries)
constraints = self._generate_constraints(X_ext, y, parameters, auxiliaries)
problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
self.canonicals_ = CVXCanonicals(
def _solve(self, X, y, solver_options, *args, **kwargs) -> NDArray[float]:
"""Solve the cvxpy problem."""
solver=self.solver, warm_start=self.warm_start, **solver_options
beta = np.array(
self.canonicals_.auxiliaries.extended_coef_indices == i
for i in range(X.shape[1])
return beta
[docs]class SparseGroupLasso(GroupLasso):
r"""Sparse Group Lasso.
Regularized regression objective:
.. math::
\min_{\beta} || X \beta - y ||^2_2
+ \alpha r ||\beta||_1
+ \alpha (1 - r) * \sum_{G}||\beta_G||_2
Where G represents groups of features / coefficients. And r is the L1 ratio.
groups (ArrayLike):
array-like of integers specifying groups. Length should be the
same as model, where each integer entry specifies the group
each parameter corresponds to.
alpha (float):
Regularization hyper-parameter.
l1_ratio (float):
Mixing parameter between l1 and group lasso regularization.
group_weights ArrayLike: optional
Weights for each group to use in the regularization term.
The default is to use the sqrt of the group sizes, however any
weight can be specified. The array must be the
same length as the groups given. If you need all groups
weighted equally just pass an array of ones.
standardize (bool): optional
Whether to standardize the group regularization penalty using
the feature matrix. See the following for reference:
fit_intercept (bool):
Whether the intercept should be estimated or not.
If False, the data is assumed to be already centered.
copy_X (bool):
If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten.
warm_start (bool):
When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to
fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous
solver (str):
cvxpy backend solver to use. Supported solvers are listed here:
solver_options (dict):
dictionary of keyword arguments passed to cvxpy solve.
See docs in CVXRegressor for more information.
coef_ (NDArray):
Parameter vector (:math:`\beta` in the cost function formula) of shape (n_features,).
intercept_ (float):
Independent term in decision function.
canonicals_ (SimpleNamespace):
Namespace that contains underlying cvxpy objects used to define
the optimization problem. The objects included are the following:
- objective - the objective function.
- beta - variable to be optimized (corresponds to the estimated coef_ attribute).
- parameters - hyper-parameters
- auxiliaries - auxiliary variables and expressions
- constraints - solution constraints
def __init__(
groups: ArrayLike | None = None,
l1_ratio: float = 0.5,
alpha: float = 1.0,
group_weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
standardize: bool = False,
fit_intercept: bool = False,
copy_X: bool = True,
warm_start: bool = False,
solver: str | None = None,
solver_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
self.l1_ratio = l1_ratio
def _validate_params(self, X, y):
"""Validate parameters."""
super()._validate_params(X, y)
check_scalar(self.l1_ratio, "l1_ratio", float, min_val=0, max_val=1)
if self.l1_ratio == 0.0:
"It is more efficient to use GroupLasso directly than SparseGroupLasso with l1_ratio=0",
if self.l1_ratio == 1.0:
"It is more efficient to use Lasso directly than SparseGroupLasso with l1_ratio=1",
def _set_param_values(self) -> None:
self.canonicals_.parameters.lambda1.value = self.l1_ratio * self.alpha
self.canonicals_.parameters.lambda2.value = (1 - self.l1_ratio) * self.alpha
def _generate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> SimpleNamespace | None:
"""Generate parameters."""
parameters = super()._generate_params(X, y)
# del parameters.alpha # hacky but we don't need this
parameters.l1_ratio = self.l1_ratio # save simply for infomation
parameters.lambda1 = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=self.l1_ratio * self.alpha)
parameters.lambda2 = cp.Parameter(
nonneg=True, value=(1 - self.l1_ratio) * self.alpha
return parameters
def _generate_regularization(
X: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
parameters: SimpleNamespace,
auxiliaries: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
group_regularization = parameters.lambda2 * (
parameters.group_weights @ auxiliaries.group_norms
l1_regularization = parameters.lambda1 * cp.norm1(beta)
return group_regularization + l1_regularization
[docs]class RidgedGroupLasso(GroupLasso):
r"""Ridged Group Lasso implementation.
Regularized regression objective:
.. math::
\min_{\beta} || X \beta - y ||^2_2 + \alpha \sum_{G} w_G ||\beta_G||_2
+ \sum_{G} \delta_l ||\beta_G||^2_2
Where G represents groups of features/coefficients
For details on proper standardization refer to:
groups (ArrayLike):
array-like of integers specifying groups. Length should be the
same as model, where each integer entry specifies the group
each parameter corresponds to.
alpha (float):
Regularization hyper-parameter.
delta (ArrayLike): optional
Positive 1D array. Regularization vector for ridge penalty. The array
must be of the same lenght as the number of groups, or length 1 if all
groups are ment to have the same ridge hyperparamter.
group_weights (ArrayLike): optional
Weights for each group to use in the regularization term.
The default is to use the sqrt of the group sizes, however any
weight can be specified. The array must be the
same length as the groups given. If you need all groups
weighted equally just pass an array of ones.
standardize (bool): optional
Whether to standardize the group regularization penalty using
the feature matrix. See the following for reference:
fit_intercept (bool):
Whether the intercept should be estimated or not.
If False, the data is assumed to be already centered.
copy_X (bool):
If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten.
warm_start (bool):
When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to
fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous
solver (str):
cvxpy backend solver to use. Supported solvers are listed here:
solver_options (dict):
dictionary of keyword arguments passed to cvxpy solve.
See docs in CVXRegressor for more information.
coef_ (NDArray):
Parameter vector (:math:`\beta` in the cost function formula) of shape (n_features,).
intercept_ (float):
Independent term in decision function.
canonicals_ (SimpleNamespace):
Namespace that contains underlying cvxpy objects used to define
the optimization problem. The objects included are the following:
- objective - the objective function.
- beta - variable to be optimized (corresponds to the estimated coef_ attribute).
- parameters - hyper-parameters
- auxiliaries - auxiliary variables and expressions
- constraints - solution constraints
_cvx_parameter_constraints: dict[str, list[Any]] = {
"alpha": [Interval(type=Real, left=0.0, right=None, closed="left")],
"delta": [
Interval(type=Real, left=0.0, right=None, closed="left"),
def __init__(
groups: ArrayLike | None = None,
alpha: float = 1.0,
delta: ArrayLike = (1.0,),
group_weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
standardize: bool = False,
fit_intercept: bool = False,
copy_X: bool = True,
warm_start: bool = False,
solver: str | None = None,
solver_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
self.delta = delta
def _validate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> None:
"""Validate group parameters and delta."""
super()._validate_params(X, y)
n_groups = (
len(np.unique(self.groups)) if self.groups is not None else X.shape[1]
if len(self.delta) != n_groups and len(self.delta) != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"delta must be an array of length 1 or equal to the number of groups {n_groups}."
def _generate_params(self, X: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> SimpleNamespace | None:
"""Generate parameters."""
parameters = super()._generate_params(X, y)
# force cvxpy delta to be an array of n_groups!
n_groups = (
len(np.unique(self.groups)) if self.groups is not None else X.shape[1]
if len(self.delta) != n_groups:
delta = self.delta * np.ones(n_groups)
parameters.delta = cp.Parameter(shape=(n_groups,), nonneg=True, value=delta)
return parameters
def _generate_group_norms(
X: ArrayLike,
groups: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
standardize: bool,
parameters: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
group_masks = [groups == i for i in np.sort(np.unique(groups))]
if standardize:
group_norms = cp.hstack(
X[:, mask].T @ X[:, mask]
+ parameters.delta.value[i] ** 0.5 * np.eye(sum(mask))
@ beta[mask]
for i, mask in enumerate(group_masks)
group_norms = cp.hstack([cp.norm2(beta[mask]) for mask in group_masks])
# self._group_norms = grp_norms.T
return group_norms
def _generate_regularization(
X: ArrayLike,
beta: cp.Variable,
parameters: SimpleNamespace,
auxiliaries: SimpleNamespace | None = None,
) -> cp.Expression:
# repetitive code...
groups = np.arange(X.shape[1]) if self.groups is None else self.groups
group_masks = [groups == i for i in np.sort(np.unique(groups))]
ridge = cp.hstack([cp.sum_squares(beta[mask]) for mask in group_masks])
group_regularization = (
parameters.alpha * parameters.group_weights @ auxiliaries.group_norms
ridge_regularization = 0.5 * parameters.delta @ ridge
return group_regularization + ridge_regularization