Getting Started#


smol is purposely light on dependencies which should make the installation process headache free. Using pip:

pip install smol

Although smol is not tested on Windows platforms, it should still run on Windows since there aren’t any platform specific dependencies. The only known installation issue is building pymatgen dependencies. If simply running pip install smol fails, try installing pymatgen with conda first:

conda install -c conda-forge pymatgen
pip install smol

Basic Usage#

smol is designed to be simple and intuitive to use. Here is the most basic example of creating a Cluster Expansion for a binary alloy and subsequently using it to run Monte Carlo sampling.

Creating a cluster subspace#

Create a cluster subspace for a AuCu binary FCC alloy to define the cluster expansion terms and compute the corresponding correlation functions.

Start by creating a disordered primitive structure.

from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure, Lattice

species = {"Au": 0.5, "Cu": 0.5}
prim = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3.6), [species], [[0, 0, 0]])

Now create a cluster subspace for that structure including pair, triplet and quadruplet clusters up to given cluster diameter cutoffs.

from smol.cofe import ClusterSubspace

cutoffs = {2: 6, 3: 5, 4: 4}
subspace = ClusterSubspace.from_cutoffs(prim, cutoffs=cutoffs)

Preparing training data#

Load and use data computed for a training set of ordered structures to generate the necessary fitting data (formation energy and correlation vector for each training structure). Training data is added as instances of ComputedStructureEntry

from monty.serialization import loadfn
from smol.cofe import StructureWrangler

entries = loadfn("path_to_file.json")
wrangler = StructureWrangler(subspace)
for entry in entries:

Fitting and creating a cluster expansion#

Using the generated feature matrix and property vector fit a cluster expansion. In this case we use simple linear regression, although for most cases this will not be appropriate and a regularized regression model will yield a much better fit.

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

reg = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), wrangler.get_property_vector("energy"))

Finally, create a cluster expansion for prediction of new structures and eventual Monte Carlo sampling. We recommend saving the details used to fit the expansion for future reproducibility (although this is not strictly necessary).

from smol.cofe import ClusterExpansion, RegressionData

reg_data = RegressionData.from_sklearn(
expansion = ClusterExpansion(subspace, coefficients=reg.coef_, regression_data=reg_data)

Creating an ensemble for Monte Carlo Sampling#

Creating an ensemble only requires the cluster expansion and a supercell matrix to define the sampling domain.

from smol.moca import Ensemble

sc_matrix = [[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5]]
ensemble = Ensemble.from_cluster_expansion(expansion, supercell_matrix=sc_matrix)

Running Monte Carlo sampling#

To generate MC samples for the ensemble, we need to create a sampler object.

from smol.moca import Sampler

sampler = Sampler.from_ensemble(ensemble, temperature=1000)

In order to begin an MC simulation, an initial configuration must be provided. In this case we use pymatgen’s functionality to provide an ordered structure given a disordered one.

from pymatgen.transformations.standard_transformations import (

transformation = OrderDisorderedStructureTransformation()
structure = expansion.cluster_subspace.structure.copy()
structure = transformation.apply_transformation(structure)

Finally, the ordered structure can be used to generate an initial configuration to run MC sampling.

Notice: If you pass in your own init_occu string instead of generating one from structure, it is strongly recommended to convert the string into np.int32 dtype to reduce data type conversion overhead within the code.

init_occu = ensemble.processor.occupancy_from_structure(structure), initial_occupancy=init_occu)

Saving the generated objects and data#

To save the generated objects for the previous workflow we can simply use the provided convenience io functionality. However, all main classes are serializable just as pymatgen and so can be saved as json dictionaries or using the monty python package.

save_work("CuAu_ce_mc.json", wrangler, expansion, ensemble, sampler.samples)

#.. code-links:: python #.. code-links:: clear

For more detailed examples on how to use smol have a look at docs/src/notebooks.